Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dog doesnt eat sometimes?

i have a fussy border collie and some days he can go 2 days without touching a thing! i used to panic all the time but what i've found is on the days he's not eating i take him to my mums for a bit and feed him with her dogs he soon eats all his food then because he has competition and doesnt want the others to eat his food. i also have found that he doesn't like dog biscuits so now i leave them out it's better than waste hope this helps just a little :)

Is this configuration good?

eh, you just bragging, now. LOL good looking system. Personally, i'd get the dual 8800 in SLI, if i had the money (and it looks like you do).

How do most "Therapists" or "Hypno therapists" get their subject to think about and "relive" negative memories?

because it desensitized the subject to their bad memories and helps them to accept them and realize that it is just a memory and is in their past.

Is my German Shephard sick or not?

You don't say what you feed your dog. Being 1 yr old, he/she still has a lot of puppy inside and it will try to eat a lot of things during experimentation. It could have eaten something disagreeable at the dog park. Watch to see if it tries to eat lawn gr when outside. Dogs, like people, get upset stomachs and that is one way they alleviate the problem. If the dog continues to have dry heaves, take it back to your vet as soon as possible.

What do you think of these girls names?

I like...... Mackenzie Hope, Scarlotte Michelle, Emilee Grace, Kaylee Rose, Victoria Grace and Sophia Michelle

What do you think of this part of my story?

OMG - I can so emphathize with this situation. Some parents never let go, do they? Keep on with this, there's good potential here - but I would question the bit about having Cheese pizzaand chocolate milk with the band - that sounds awfully like high school, rather than a responsible adult.

Help!!! 39 weeks, tmi (sorry), but freaking out!?

ok, so i am 39 weeks and i am scheduled for a section on wednesday. i have been a little crampy tonight and i have been having contractions for weeks, but nothing like active labor (baby is breech, so i am not dialating or effacing). i just went to the restroom and had the strangest (i'm sorry for the details) discharge, and a lot of it. it doesn't smell, it is dark brown/black/green, and there is a lot of it...has this ever happened to anyone? what is this??? should i call the doctor or just see what happens? i never read anything about this, it doesn't seem like a bloody show or a mucous plug....it's really weird!! any help would be appreciated - thank you!